Posted by PVHadmin

Pleasant View Homeowner’s Association

🍁 🎃 🌻 It’s Fall Ya’ll! 🌻 🎃 🍁

Please join us on October 21 at Bailey’s Coffee Shop for the next board meeting.

Regular board meetings are held the third Monday of each month at 6:00pm.

All Pleasant View residents are welcome!!

More on the board can be found here.
Claudia Hall – President
Mary Pheifer – Vice President
Steve Schmidt – Secretary
Ruth Hexter – Bookkeeper
Christopher Rinehart – HOA Grounds
Kent Anderson – Director
Rebecca Bauer –  Director
Marissa McCrea – Treasurer
Jaden LaBare – Covenants
Shelly Hibbert – Alternate



  • A reminder that the boulevard trees belong to the city of Missoula, even though the homeowner is responsible for their normal care (watering, bug spraying, etc.)
  • Your board can’t stress enough that everyone needs to treat the trees in your care. A product that works very well is Bio Advanced Tree and Shrub Protection & Feed
  • If you have a boulevard tree that has been damaged, has died or if you notice that you have a tree that hangs over the sidewalk or street, please contact our HOA President – Claudia Hall:

    Have you considered enrolling for automatic fund transfer (ACH) to have HOA payments sent automatically from your bank? Contact Ruth Hexter, for more information.


  • Does your home have little brown spots? Do you have other pressure washing needs? Call Ron’s Pressure Washing: 406-240-0002. Ron lives in our neighborhood, is licensed and insured. He does driveways, sidewalks, decks, porches and house exteriors.

  • These types of vehicles are only permitted to be on the street or in your driveway and not for more than 48 hours.
  • They are not permitted to block the sidewalk in any way.
  • If you need them there a little longer, please email us and let us know why:
  • The HOA enforces covenants based on phase number and location.
  • NEVER place an extension cord across a sidewalk. This is a violation and can be reported to the City Police.
  • If you have a vehicle that is not working, it must be stored in your driveway or garage and not parked on the street. If left in the street, they will be tagged for removal by the city.

    Dog licenses are required for dogs living within the city limits. Also, if you have more than 2 dogs, a permit is required. A permit is also required for anyone raising chickens within city limits. You can license your dog online HERE. More information can be found at their website located HERE


    Please turn on your porch lights, garage lights, back yard lights, lock your car doors and remove all valuables from your car to deter vandalism and theft.



  • Even-Numbered Days: Park on the even numbered side of the street between 7 a.m. and 3 p.m.
  • Odd-Numbered Days: Park on the odd numbered side of the street between 7 a.m. and 3 p.m.
  • The street division only picks up leaves in the fall.
  • For more information – click HERE

    We have many new Homeowners/Renters again this year so we want to mention the guidelines for when the HOA will remove snow on sidewalks. Snow will be removed on the sidewalks in front of the HOA member’s homes at ½ inch and 3 inches in the alleys. The HOA can opt to increase it to 1” if the ½” is not successful. Nature’s Best will have earlier start times now, due to a dedicated crew that will serve our neighborhood. Claudia will be notified as to the start time after each snow event. Nature’s Best will only plow once a day, so if it is currently snowing, they will plow once the snow stops, which may cause a later start time. Alley ways will be plowed in the late afternoon. This change should be helpful to those who shovel their driveways. And Nature’s Best will continue to remove ice and use snow melt around the mailboxes. Any issues should be directed to PLEASE DO NOT CONTACT NATURE’S BEST DIRECTLY!


    Now is the time to clean up around your homes including your alleyways. Dead weeds and debris are unsightly & also present a fire danger this time of year. Leaves will soon be falling and this year, because of treating aphids this past spring, there will be plenty for pick up! We have not yet received a schedule from the city for leaf pickup. The water to the parks, greenways and common area sprinklers has been turned off.


  • 9-1-1: If you have a current emergency situation or are witnessing an active crime, call 911.
  • Non-Emergency: 406-728-0911 or 406-552-6300:Use these numbers to report suspicious activity that has been ongoing and is not an emergency.
  • Crime Stoppers: 406-721-4444
  • YWCA 24-hour Family Crisis Line: 1-800-483-7858
  • Homeless Outreach Team: 406-493-7955

  • Please watch your speed around the neighborhood! Ask yourself, if a child runs into the street between parked cars, will you be able to stop in time? Please drive slower to keep all our neighbors safe!
  • 🐶 DOGS

  • We live within the city limits and there is a leash law in Missoula. When walking or running with your pet, they must be on a leash.
  • Please don’t let your dogs run loose in your yard unless you have a closed fence. Not everyone wants to say hello, pet, be chased or be jumped on by your pet. For some, that can be quite frightening.
  • Protect your pet by keeping them contained – no matter how friendly you think your pet is.
  • Please pick up any messes left by your pets, especially in our neighborhood parks and greenways. If your dog frequently uses the green-way behind your house, it is your responsibility to pick up after it. There are several dog bag stations throughout the neighborhood.

  • It is your responsibility to maintain the sidewalk in front of your home. There are many companies available to you to fix any raised concrete.
  • A Neighborhood Resident is one option: Call Mike Nelson @ 406.552.7101 (Pro Sweep MT)
  • They offer polyurethane concrete lifting which lifts the concrete but adds less weight so the problem doesn’t resurface. Also, the temporary holes, to inject foam, are smaller than those required for mud jacking so the surface patches are smaller as well.

    According to the City Code the duties of a property owner is to keep their sidewalks in good repair. It is the further intent of the City Council that any homeowner who fails to keep their sidewalk in good repair may be liable for the actual cost for the City to repair.

    🙂 Please visit, like and follow our Facebook Page!

    • Welcome!

      The concept behind Pleasant View Homes is to create and maintain a quality living environment whereby our neighborhood is a great place in which to live and our property values continue to increase. The best way to achieve these goals is to communicate with one another and to share ideas and concerns.
    • COVID-19

      Please visit the CDC website for information about COVID-19 (CoronaVirus):

      If you are an at-risk person living in Pleasant View and need help getting groceries, running errands, etc, please send an email to: communityhelp. Along with your request, please include information on how best to contact you. Your email will be distributed to a group of other residents who have expressed interest in helping out.

      If you are a healthy person living in Pleasant View who has not had contact with someone who is a confirmed case and are able to help out a neighbor, please email the administrator and you will be added as a recipient of all emails that are sent to the above communityhelp email group. Please include your full name and address.

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