Posted by PVHadmin


Role of the Committee

The role of the Pleasant View Homeowners Finance Committee is primarily to provide financial oversight for the organization. Typical task areas include budgeting and financial planning, financial reporting, and the creation and monitoring of internal controls and accountability policies.

Here are the Finance Committee’s basic responsibilities:
1. Provide advice/direction for the entire Board on fiscal responsibility.
2. Regularly review the organization’s revenues and expenditures, balance sheet, investments and other matters related to its continued solvency.
3. Develop an annual budget and submit it to the full Board for approval.
4. Monitor adherence to the budget.
5. Set long-range financial goals along with funding strategies to achieve them.
6. Present all financial goals and proposals to the board of directors for approval.
7. Ensure the maintenance of an appropriate capital structure.
8. Oversee the maintenance of assets, including prudent management of organizational investments.

Although the entire board carries fiduciary responsibility for the organization, the finance committee serves a leadership role in this area, making sure appropriate internal control procedures for all financial transactions are documented in a manual and followed by staff. The committee also plays a role in determining and updating bank account signatories as well as overseeing all legal and governmental filing deadlines are met.

Here are some specific tasks the Finance Committee may undertake:
1. Review revenues and expenses at a monthly Committee meeting.
2. Ensure that organizational funds are spent appropriately.
3. Develop an investment strategy.
4. Ensure the preparation of an annual audit, tax form (990), and audited Financial Statements.
5. Ensuring compliance and/or developing policies/procedures which serve to protect the organization and manage its exposure to risk.
6. Ensure policies and procedures for financial transactions are documented in a manual, and the manual is reviewed annually, and updated as necessary.

Finance Committee Members:

Claudia Hall



To contact the Finance Committee please send an email to:

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    The concept behind Pleasant View Homes is to create and maintain a quality living environment whereby our neighborhood is a great place in which to live and our property values continue to increase. The best way to achieve these goals is to communicate with one another and to share ideas and concerns.
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    Please visit the CDC website for information about COVID-19 (CoronaVirus):

    If you are an at-risk person living in Pleasant View and need help getting groceries, running errands, etc, please send an email to: communityhelp. Along with your request, please include information on how best to contact you. Your email will be distributed to a group of other residents who have expressed interest in helping out.

    If you are a healthy person living in Pleasant View who has not had contact with someone who is a confirmed case and are able to help out a neighbor, please email the administrator and you will be added as a recipient of all emails that are sent to the above communityhelp email group. Please include your full name and address.

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